Hello there. As you may or may not know, I have a Youtube channel where I share stuff about my solo game dev journey. In the two years since I started the chann… [Read more]
I’ve created this blog to exercise my ideas, share my thoughts and showcase what I’m up to. However, I’ve just realised I didn’t post a single thing in 2021. So… [Read more]
I recently posted a video with an introduction to Behavior Trees. My first draft was almost 40 minutes long, so I decided to cut it and simplify a few parts. I … [Read more]
I've been working on a game in my spare time and I decided to start publishing devlogs to track the progress. It's called Far Star. This is the first one. I hop… [Read more]
TL/DR This is an example of how to implement a responsive vertical mosaic/masonry grid with drag-and-drop support in ReactJS. You can check the live demo here… [Read more]