Be a polyglot

These days I was thinking how some people can be so fanatic about programming languages. They choose one language to learn and all of sudden all other languages…  [Read more]

VIM: Better "Go to definition" and completion using ALE

Probably you've already heard about ALE, an asyncronous lint engine that analyse buffers in background showing the results without requiring saving files to dis…  [Read more]

The Bohemian Rhapsody Stream

This is a quick one. While playing around with Server-Sent Events I've created this page to consume my Bohemian Rhapsody stream. How it works Before building th…  [Read more]

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent events is a standard that describes a way for servers to send updates to clients through a persistent HTTP stream. SSE doesn't rely on any new techn…  [Read more]

My experience with Godot and other engines

For the last 2 years I've been working on a 2D game and Godot was the engine I chose for this job. Although I've never released a game before, I did experiment …  [Read more]