Tag:  development

Responsive mosaic/grid in ReactJS with Drag and Drop support

TL/DR This is an example of how to implement a responsive vertical mosaic/masonry grid with drag-and-drop support in ReactJS. You can check the live demo here…  [Read more]

TypeScript won't protect you from bad input

Even though I've been working with JS in all ends for the past 4 years, it was only last year that I had the chance (and will) to use TypeScript. It's nice to w…  [Read more]

Be a polyglot

These days I was thinking how some people can be so fanatic about programming languages. They choose one language to learn and all of sudden all other languages…  [Read more]

The Bohemian Rhapsody Stream

This is a quick one. While playing around with Server-Sent Events I've created this page to consume my Bohemian Rhapsody stream. How it works Before building th…  [Read more]

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent events is a standard that describes a way for servers to send updates to clients through a persistent HTTP stream. SSE doesn't rely on any new techn…  [Read more]